
VOC-Engel & Schichttypen

forced active no
restricted yes
restricted to angels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
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You observe and level the room mix and balance it with the applause microphones. You also observe and adjust the level of the translator microphones. You should be able to calmly adjust the dynamic room mix to reach a consistent loudness for stream listeners. You should not get distracted by the noise in the room and stay focused, even if there is not that much to do. Your console will be the QSC TouchMix-8.

The shifts will take place in the halls. There is no ACR!

forced activeno
restricted toangels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

A/V Angels are responsible for the whole A/V Operation in a hall. You and your fellow angels operate the audio mixing desk lighting console, cameras and the video mixer. You support speakers by connecting their hardware the infrastructure in the hall and adjust the microphones.

The audio part is about mixing the different sources and taking care of monitoring and adjusting audio levels for the stream. To have some audio sources, you also manage the micrphones in the hall. The goal of this job is to ensure that the audio levels are consistent and the resulting mix down is pleasant to the ears.

If you are responsible for the operation of the video mixer, you switch the video feed between different sources. This mixed video feed is used for both the live-stream and the recordings which are made available later. You decide which picture, respectively source, is most interesting/important at each moment.

Doing Video without cameras would result in a slide only stream, so someone has to ensure records the person who is giving the talk instead of the audience. If it's impossible to operate the camera during the whole talk, usually a fixed shot is fine too.

During a talk, there should be more than one A/V Angel so you can split up the various parts of this job between you and your fellow angels.

forced activeyes
restricted topart of voc crew which is responsible for halls or 2nd level audio support
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Those people are the 2nd level support in the lecture rooms. They are familiar with the equipment that is used during the event and able to fix (nearly) all the issues.

Usually, the members of this group are fixed long before the event. If you are familiar with broadcast equipment or the industry (regarding audio, video or lighting) and want to help, please get in touch with us.

forced activeno
restricted toangels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Video-Camera-Angels operate the fixed cameras in the lecture halls.

Usually, one video angel films the speaker from head to hands, while a second video angel films a total, including both the speaker and the screen. Camera angels will communicate with the Video-Mixer-Angel via intercom, who might instruct them to shoot in certain ways. The Mixer-Angel will also point out any mistakes or bad camera-settings.


  • Don't sign up for any back-to-back shifts, except in case of two short talks.
  • You shouldn't (please don't) sign up for more than four Video-Camera-Angel shifts per day.
  • Never film the audience
forced activeyes
restricted toangels with a specific skill set who attend the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

These Audio Angels provide 3rd level support to the Audio Mixer Angel and for the entire audio chain. They ensure the chain runs smoothly, that audio-related problems are being taken care of and also do 2nd level QC on all stream audio.

For this role we are looking for people who have experience working with medium to large sized broadcast-style audio setups or are familiar with large scale live audio setups.

forced activeno
restricted toangels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Microphone Angels mainly make sure that people speak into the microphones properly during Q&A. Participants in the room might be able to hear a question without amplification, but the people watching the live stream and recordings can't. Make sure the questions get recorded! At times that can mean bringing a microphone to a chair.

forced activeno
restricted toactive mixing / camera angels
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

This group is dedicated to all camera and mixing angels, who want to improve their own performance by reflecting the work of colleagues from an audience perspective.

As a Stream Observing Angel you examine streams for issues and keep track of sequences appearing hard to consume or violating our rule set. Therefore it is necessary to have a good insight in our rule set.

Your list of both, positive and negative remarks provides constructive feedback to the individual colleagues acting in the hall and also contribute it to the quality review during the daily meeting for the whole team. This process hopefully helps us to provide a recording suitable for the speakers and a appropriate stream for all the hackers in the galaxy who couldn't sit in the hall.

You can see your self as one of the the stream's major contributor, who instantly reports severe issues like “there is no signal” to the VOC Helpdesk.

For video mixing and camera angels, it is strongly recommended to take some stream observer shifts early as this is the individual part of your training and helps us to continuously review our routines. Feel free to discuss any questions and insights with the stream observing angel next to you.

This angel type is restricted to active Video Mixing or Camera Angels, because it's part of our self evaluation and not meant as external monitoring.

If you have any input for us, meet us at our assembly or call - in urgent cases - the VOC Helpdesk at 1600

forced active no
restricted yes
restricted to angels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Speakers who prefer to give their lecture/presentation from their own home (instead of one of the studios) will need help setting up their computer to provide good audio and video, and rehearse the entire production. These angel help speakers before and during the event to give their presentation in the best possible way.

forced activeno
restricted toangels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Online Video Mixing Angels are responsible for mixing the online talks in OBS Studio. Tis work is done via remote control of OBS Studio, but it is tied to one of the studios. To get activated for this angel type, please get in touch with one of the studios. After checking that your experience fits the studio setup, they will activate you and coordinate shift assignments.

Sidenote: Even if the talk is fully remote, a local studio is responsible for producing it.

forced activeyes
restricted toangels who attended the introduction
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact VOC
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

Video-Mixer-Angels switch the video feed between different sources. This mixed video feed is used for both the live-stream and the recordings which are made available later. You decide which picture, respectively source, is most interesting/important at each moment.

The available sources are the cameras in the audience, as well as the display of the presenter's laptop (usually the slides). Sometimes, there also are close-up cameras on stage. Slides containing text should be shown long enough to allow both slow and fast readers to read them. As a rule of thumb, reading through the slides yourself twice usually ensures this.

You work proactively with camera angels through the intercom, helping them to improve their image source before switch-over. We will have some challenging talks, where decision making and intercommunication might be assisted by external “image composition director” joining the intercom channel.

Please take a break after doing those tasks, we don't like back-to-back shifts.

We will meet every day to distribute the shifts for the following day.

forced activeyes
restricted tovoc crew which runs all the operations of those video stuff
No self-signup no
Requires driver license no
Show on dashboard yes
Contact C3VOC Helpdesk
Contact DECT 1600
Contact E-Mail

This group of people is responsible for the smooth operation of the C3VOC infrastructure itself, e.g. cutting and releasing the talks, poking the streams, manage speaker inquiries and much more. Basically, they resolve all those issues, that nobody notices ;)

If you are interested in helping us (maybe even during the various events during the year), feel free to meet us at our assembly.

In case of inquiries, please call us at 1600.

Team/Ansprechpartner VOC / SHOC
Typische Räume jeder Vortragsraum (Raum A-E sowie Chaos West)
Übliche Engelbesetzung pro Vortragsraum: 1x A/V Technican, 1x Stagemanager, ?x Stage Supporter,
Wichtiger Hinweis Chaos West hat keinen Audio Engineer Engel. A/V Technican ist fix C.Epp
Von Bis Anmerkung Stage Supporter
10:30 Uhr 11:30 Uhr Vorbereitung, Sound Check, etc Saal A/B: 2, Saal C-E: 1
11:30 Uhr 15:10 Uhr Erster Block Talks Saal A/B: 2, Saal C-E: 1
15:10 Uhr 16:10 Uhr Pause Saal A/B: 2, Saal C-E: 1
16:10 Uhr 19:50 Uhr Zweiter Block Talks Saal A/B: 2, Saal C-E: 1
19:50 Uhr 20:50 Uhr Pause Saal A/B: 2, Saal C-E: 1
20:50 Uhr 00:30 Uhr Dritter Block Talks Saal A/B: 5, Saal C: 2, D-E: 1
00:30 Uhr 03:00 Uhr Nachtprogramm Saal A/B: 5, Saal C: 2, D-E: 1
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

The lecture hall coordination angels make sure that everything in the hall runs smoothly. They consists of an A/V Technican from the VOC who is responsible for the A/V Operations within the hall, a Stagemanager from the SHOC who is responsible for the coordination of angels, timetables and crowd control and an Audio Engineer Angel who is responsible for the audio in the streams.

If you have any questions regarding your shift within a lecture hall, do not hesitate to contact the stagemanager for general or the a/v technican for a/v related question.

Team/Ansprechpartner VOC
Typische Räume ACR
Übliche Engelbesetzung 1x Audio Engineer Angel
Von Bis Anmerkung
10:30 Uhr 11:30 Uhr Vorbereitung, Sound Check, etc
11:30 Uhr 15:10 Uhr Erster Block Talks
15:10 Uhr 16:10 Uhr Pause
16:10 Uhr 19:50 Uhr Zweiter Block Talks
19:50 Uhr 20:50 Uhr Pause
20:50 Uhr 00:30 Uhr Dritter Block Talks
00:30 Uhr 03:00 Uhr Nachtprogramm
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

During the Talks there is an Experienced Audio Engineer Angel in the ACR to coordinate the Audio Mixing Angels during a 4 hour shift and provide 2nd level support for the angels there.

If there is an issue in the lecture hall, the A/V Technican or the VOC Helpdesk will contact you for problem resultion

Team/Ansprechpartner VOC
Typische Räume Vortagssäle
Übliche Engelbesetzung 1x VOC Crew pro Vortragssal
Von Bis Anmerkung
10:30 Uhr 17:30 Uhr Dayshift
17:30 Uhr 03:00 Uhr Nightshift
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

During the day there is one Angel responsible for the whole A/V operation within the lecture hall. This angel is a member of the VOC who usually has planed the lecture hall or is very familiar with the setup. Thus this is the person that will make short time decisions within their lecture hall.

Team/Ansprechpartner Stagemanager im Saal für Engel, für Video: VOC, für Stagemanager/Heralde: SHOC, für Signal Angel: trilander
Typische Räume jeder Vortragsraum (Raum A-E sowie Chaos West)
Übliche Engelbesetzung 1x Audio Mixer Angel, 2x Camera Angel, 1x Video Mixer Angel, 1x Signal Angel
Schichtbeginn und Ende 20 min vor und 15 min nach jedem Talk
Wichtiger Hinweis Vortragsräume aus Fahrplanimport. Chaos West hat keinen Audio Mixer Angel
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

The lecture hall operation angels ensure that the talk is record, streamed and questions from the web are transmitted into the hall. They operate the cameras (Camera Angels), they video mixer (Video Mixing Angels), the stream audio mixing console (Audio Mixer Angels). Also they watch the web for questions and remarks for the talk (Signal Angels). Also they monitor the streams for possible improvements regarding the self evaluation of the A/V angels (Stream Observing Angels)).

Please keep in mind, that the audio mixing shifts take place in CCL, Hall 12 (Audio Control Room) and all other shifts within the lecture hall and the stream observing shifts in the VOC Office

Team/Ansprechpartner VOC
Typische Räume VOC Office
Übliche Engelbesetzung 5x Stream Observing Angels
Schichtbeginn und Ende Schichtraster auf Talks bezogen
Wichtiger Hinweis
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

The Stream Observing Angels sit in the VOC Office and monitor the streams for issues and improvements. They presents the improvements on the daily meeting and hand over issues to the VOC Helpdesk.

The Shift takes place in the VOC Office

Team/Ansprechpartner Für Access Control Angels im Saal: SECU, für Video: VOC
Typische Räume jeder Vortragsraum
Übliche Engelbesetzung 2x (Access Control) Angel
Schichtbeginn und Ende Ende des letzen Talks bis 03:30 Uhr
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

[Kommt aus der Access Control Angel Introduction vom Heaven]

35C3: Funkkanal 4: VOC/SHOC, Nachttelefon: 1699

Team/Ansprechpartner VOC
Typische Räume Runner
Übliche Engelbesetzung 2x Stream Observing Angels
Schichtbeginn und Ende nach bedarf
Wichtiger Hinweis
Beschreibung im Engelsystem

Assistance during the A/V buildup or tear-down by the voc as runner, for cabling, etc.

You meet at the VOC Office that dispatches you to the places where your help is needed.

During a remote conference the VOC Crew works on different locations to ensure that everything runs smooth. This the virtual workplace

The VOC Office is in CCL, Hall 4. This is the room where the VOC crew basically lives during the congress.

  • howto/engel.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/23 12:58
  • by jwacalex