
This is an old revision of the document!

When onboarding new people who are part of the VOC for the first time on an event, make sure they know of/are aware of at least the following communication channels:

  • on matrix: the main channel & the event-specific channel, if one exists
  • also make sure to invite them to the matrix space
  • in IRC: #voc-lounge & #voc-wok & #voc-mixer

And aware of the following tools & have an account on them:

  • an account on this wiki, with access to internal pages
    • mention that the HowTo's pages might be interesting, in particular the “Betrieb während der Veranstaltung” section
  •, with access to (at least) the currently running event
  • wink (via the link in internal pages)
  • optionally also access to gitolite
    • mention that the cm repo might be interesting
  • possibly also keepass & bundlewrap, if they're interested in that

Of course, not all tools will always be used by everyone joining the VOC — this is just meant as a checklist of what it's useful to know about (if you feel something is missing, please extend this list!).

  • howto/onboarding.1694016069.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/09/06 18:01
  • by stuebinm