We collected here our sub-projects and feature we want to have implemented. If a project has no owner feel free to take it. If it has an owner please contact him before you start to work on it.

If you 'only' want to request a feature please think about instead opening an issue on the project github page on https://github.com/voc.

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Project NameProject DescriptionGit URLProject status
Audio-PisAudio streaming pirunning
c3lingo unitSpecialized audio console for our c3lingo translatorshttps://github.com/c3lingo/c3lingo-interpreter-unit
Case 2.0Rework of the Lecture Room Caseshttps://pad.c3voc.de/MOmd3mvsRbi8y8IdJl1xYA
CCC Video Archive ProjektEncoden und rippen der alten congress talksrunning
DASH everywhereBring DASH to the massesrunning
FreqBuddyGet the best 8 interference-free frequencies (UHF) within a TV channel.https://github.com/SimpelMe/freqbuddy
fuse-tsThis tool provides a FUSE based filesystems that enables you to virtually concatenate a sequence of files.https://github.com/a-tze/fuse-tsin production
Intro-Outro-GeneratorA simple generator for recording introshttps://github.com/voc/intro-outro-generator.gitrunning
invoice-generatorpython based invoice generatorhttp://git@git.c3voc.de:invoice-generator
ISDNInternet Streaming Digital Nodehttps://github.com/voc/voctomix/tree/isdnsleeping?
kevinKiller Experimental Video Internet Noise, KEVINhttps://github.com/voc/kevin/
lecternboxA box with everything we need at the lecternidea
lingoboxDie Lingobox ist eine Open-Source-Hardware-Dolmetschereinheit.https://github.com/SimpelMe/lingoboxplanning
repcoframework for the exchange of community media and metadatahttps://github.com/openaudiosearch/repco-specs
rtmp-authRTMP auth frontend for nginxhttps://github.com/voc/rtmp-auth
srtrelayRelay server for Haivision SRT protocolhttps://github.com/voc/srtrelay
Stream-Observer (strobs)Stream-Observer (strobs) is a tool to observe running voc video streams.https://github.com/SimpelMe/stream-observerrunning
tallycomThis is a tallylight and intercom solution designed to be used with voctomixhttps://github.com/voc/voctomix/tree/voctopanel/example-scripts/voctolight
vocbianDebian mirror with updated/patched packages
vocpackminimal mobile recording setupPoC
wink: (W)o (i)st mei(n)e Winke(k)atze?Inventarisierung VOC-Hardwarehttps://github.com/voc/wink
relay registerhttps://github.com/voc/relay_register
Streaming websitewebsite to playout the video streamshttps://github.com/voc/streaming-websitein production
VoctoImportDjango Tool um einfach Videos in den Tracker zu bekommen, ohne XML zu bearbeiten oder irgendwo extern Dateien bereitstellen zu müssen
  • projects.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/08/25 10:21
  • (external edit)