
This is an old revision of the document!

HLS Relive

Documentation for the relive system is contained within its git repo mirrored at →

It's currently deployed at live.ber:/home/relive/git/

Login to server

cd git 
screen -dR
  1. Create an appropriate config for your event in live.ber:/home/relive/git/configs
    1. either by using ./ <conference slug>, or
    2. manually: copy cfg.example, look at other files in that directory, or in the old/ subdirectory for inspiration. The filename will be used as the conference name from here on.
  2. After a minute, a cronjob will run and download the schedule, etc. (If you are impatient, you can run /home/relive/git/scripts/ /home/relive/git/scripts/ manually)
  3. Start the scheduler (run as user relive, inside of a screen/tmux session): ./ <conference slug>
  4. In the streaming-website configuration, set RELIVE_JSON to point to<conference slug>/index.json

Note that the index.json file is also only regenerated periodically, so it might be a minute or two before that URL actually works.

Please read the README in the repository, it is being kept up to date with regard to the general behavior of the relive system.

  • software/relive.1511718990.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/26 18:56
  • by andi