
This is an old revision of the document!


Infobeamer is a Digital Signing Solution made by our friends. We use it to have info display shown on the projectors between talks or on additional screens in the hals. While there is a opensource version free of charge we used the hosted version as this is much easier to maintain. The credentials can, as usual, be found in the keepass.

We have one pi3 dedicated for this task in each flight case.

There are currently two info-beamer pis available as streams. These devices can be used for OBS setups or such, when there's no possibility to connect a pi to the streaming source.

The pis are both set up in the VOC info-beamer account (see keepass). Physically they are located at the Seibert Media office in Wiesbaden. Contact Kunsi, Sophie or MaZderMind if there are any problems regarding the pis.

Both streams provide a 1080p25 image, but no audio. You have to provide an audio source yourself.

  • hardware/infobeamer.1624633089.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/06/25 16:58
  • by kunsi