
zido x8 and x9s

The instreamer app allows to stream the HDMI input via Ethernet / wifi to a stream sink

To be able to use instreamer, an ffmpeg binary compiled for the ARM CPU needs to be placed in /mnt/sdcard. Such an binary can be found e.g. at https://github.com/WritingMinds/ffmpeg-android/releases

After the first launch, press Menu for the Settings. This is the ffmpeg command that already worked on the Tronsmart Pavo M9:

ffmpeg -i - -c copy -absf aac_adtstoasc -f flv rtmp://

Firmware download: http://www.zidoo.tv/Support/downloads.html http://ota-cloudfront.zidoo.tv/X8/ota/ZIDOO-X8-v1.2.12.zip

Preinstalled Apps are in the /system/apps/ directory.

The preinstalled HDMI app contains features to record (as TS and MP4) and stream over UDP (Broadcast/Multicast/Unicast)

Displays only current time - or when playing media - the current play position. Does not seem to have an seperate “recording” LED that could be used.

  • hardware/zido_x8_x9.1490354047.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/24 12:14
  • by robbi5