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Framegrabber / Scaler

For the conferences we are covering, most presenters use their own PC. The resolution and frame rates of these PCs widely differ. To get a consistent signal into the video mixer, we have to scale or convert the output signal to a uniform type. Another similar list from the timevideo project can be found on https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB/wiki/Alternatives

Those devices are usualy accessed via Video4Linux2. USB3 / 3.1 capable devices are mostly UVC devices. A recent (> 5.0) Kernel is recommendet. The linux tool uvcdynctrl - libwebcam command line tool can be used to tweak settings.

  • 'professional' scaler aka 'Folson Image Pro HD 2'
    • we only rent these if necessary for more complex setups e.g. used at C3
    • some [e.g. Analogway Pulse] can also be used as seemless switcher
    • expensive

A list of potential interesting frame grabber hardware which we have not tested yet (from 2014, probably outdated)

  • hardware/framegrabber.1595424297.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/07/22 15:24
  • by derpeter