
This is an old revision of the document!

MQTT Topics

```json { “name”: “”, “interval”: “60”, “additional_data”: { “uptime”: 6533895.23 }} ```

```json {

"from_state": "postprocessed",
"title": "The Rube Goldberg Database - Introduction to Postgres functions and triggers",
"timestamp": "2022-05-21 15:57:48.799991+02",
"ticket_id": 105007,
"name": "releasing",
"to_state": "releasing",
"event": "RPC.assignNextUnassignedForState",
"fahrplan_id": 69,
"comment": null,
"id": 795396,
"encoding_profile": "HD-Master von TS (multilang, opt.: normalized, slides, auphonic, video filters, force 25 fps)"

} ```

```json {“msg”:“releasing started releasing ticket 18 (International humanitarian law | HD-Master von TS (multilang, opt.: normalized, slides, auphonic, video filters, force 25 fps))”,“component”:“tracker/gpn20”,“level”:“info”} {“level”:“error”,“component”:“system/kernel/mixer3.lan”,“msg”:“<red>CPU throttled!</red>”} ```

```json {“msg”:“encoder3 finished recording ticket 83 (Solarinsel im Gartenhaus)”,“component”:“tracker/gpn20”,“level”:“info”} ```

```json {

"_type": "location",
"lat": 49.00132371088822,
"lon": 8.384031338394543,
"batt": 100,
"tid": "\ud83d\ude8c",
"tst": 1653137053000,
"raw": {
  "identifier": "AA3FF9E3-EFFD-4616-A9F5-2F6935CA126B",
  "name": "Case 2"
  "role": {
    "name": "Eigener Name",
    "emoji": "\ud83d\ude8c",
    "identifier": 999
  "serialNumber": "…",
  "owner": "owner@localhost",
  "batteryStatus": 1,
  "lostModeMetadata": null,
  "capabilities": 238,
  "address": {
    "label": "Lorenzstra\u00dfe 19",
    "streetAddress": "19",
    "countryCode": "DE",
    "stateCode": null,
    "administrativeArea": "Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg",
    "streetName": "Lorenzstra\u00dfe",
    "formattedAddressLines": [
      "Lorenzstra\u00dfe 19",
      "76135 Karlsruhe",
    "mapItemFullAddress": "Lorenzstra\u00dfe 19, 76135 Karlsruhe",
    "fullThroroughfare": "Lorenzstra\u00dfe 19",
    "areaOfInterest": [],
    "locality": "Karlsruhe",
    "country": "Deutschland"
  "location": {
    "positionType": "crowdsourced",
    "verticalAccuracy": -1,
    "longitude": 8.384031338394543,
    "floorLevel": -1,
    "isInaccurate": false,
    "isOld": true,
    "horizontalAccuracy": 40.568497106376284,
    "latitude": 49.00132371088822,
    "timeStamp": 1653137053000,
    "altitude": -1,
    "locationFinished": true
  "crowdSourcedLocation": {
    "positionType": "crowdsourced",
    "verticalAccuracy": -1,
    "longitude": 8.384031338394543,
    "floorLevel": -1,
    "isInaccurate": false,
    "isOld": true,
    "horizontalAccuracy": 40.568497106376284,
    "latitude": 49.00132371088822,
    "timeStamp": 1653137053000,
    "altitude": -1,
    "locationFinished": true

} ```

  • mqtt/topics.1653141895.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/21 16:04
  • by andi