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melt [2018/06/14 01:22] andimelt [2018/10/24 11:14] (current) – [VOC export profile encoding profile] bjoern
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 = melt encoding sniplets = melt encoding sniplets
 +siehe auch
 == VOC export profile encoding profile == VOC export profile encoding profile
 +  * XML code for manually editing the mlt file
 <code> <code>
 <consumer pix_fmt="yuv420p" rescale="bilinear" width="1920" aspect="1,77778" top_field_first="2" preset="medium" f="mp4" flags2="-dct8x8" g="13" maxrate="5000k" bufsize="8192k" threads="0" vcodec="libx264" progressive="1" real_time="-3" bf="2" ab="192k" target="/mnt/usb/lnp256_fade2b.mp4" vpre="medium" r="50" height="1080" minrate="100k " acodec="aac" deinterlace_method="yadif" crf="21" ar="48000" vprofile="main" movflags="+faststart" mlt_service="avformat"/> <consumer pix_fmt="yuv420p" rescale="bilinear" width="1920" aspect="1,77778" top_field_first="2" preset="medium" f="mp4" flags2="-dct8x8" g="13" maxrate="5000k" bufsize="8192k" threads="0" vcodec="libx264" progressive="1" real_time="-3" bf="2" ab="192k" target="/mnt/usb/lnp256_fade2b.mp4" vpre="medium" r="50" height="1080" minrate="100k " acodec="aac" deinterlace_method="yadif" crf="21" ar="48000" vprofile="main" movflags="+faststart" mlt_service="avformat"/>
 +  * if you want to endoder with Shotcut, add a new profile and paste the following options:
 </code> </code>
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 == shotcut/kdenlive project file rendern == shotcut/kdenlive project file rendern
-  melt -progress -track --project 1005.mlt  -consumer avformat:./1005-cut.mp4 f=mp4 acodec=aac ab=192k vcodec=libx264 crf=20 bufsize=8192k minrate=100k maxrate=5000k vprofile=main vlevel=4.0 movflags=+faststart pix_fmt=yuv420p+mono mp4 z.B. Repair mit Backup Recording aus Kamera rendern:
 +  melt -progress -track --project 1005.mlt  -consumer avformat:./1005-cut.mp4 f=mp4 acodec=aac ab=192k channels=1 vcodec=libx264 crf=20 bufsize=8192k minrate=100k maxrate=5000k vprofile=main vlevel=4.0 movflags=+faststart pix_fmt=yuv420p
-TODO: force mono when using camera.mts files in project. Workaround: 
-  ffmpeg -i 1005-cut.mp4 -c:v copy -af "pan=mono|c0=c0" -c:a aac -b:a 128k 1005-cut2.mp4  
 == melt transcode (fosdem) == melt transcode (fosdem)
  • melt.1528932155.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/14 01:22
  • by andi