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erfavoc [2020/10/29 10:52] derpetererfavoc [2020/10/29 10:57] (current) – [Framegrabber / Capture Cards] derpeter
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 A much better lens can be found in many Panasonic cams like [[hardware:ag-ac-160-eej]] which you probably can buy second hand. A much better lens can be found in many Panasonic cams like [[hardware:ag-ac-160-eej]] which you probably can buy second hand.
-A list of cameras which are also suitable to some extend can be found in our [[]] page.+A list of cameras which are also suitable to some extend can be found in our [[distributed-conference]] page.
 == Audio == Audio
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 == Framegrabber / Capture Cards == Framegrabber / Capture Cards
-Capture cards can be either PCIe based or USB 2/3 depending on budget and use case. We use mostly blackmagic decklink cards+Capture cards can be either PCIe based or USB 2/3 depending on budget and use case. We use mostly blackmagic decklink [[hardware:decklink]]
-A (probably not complete) list of alternatives can be found here . Grabbing the camera input is usualy straid forward,+A (probably not complete) list of alternatives can be found here [[hardware:framegrabber]] . Grabbing the camera input is usualy straid forward,
 capturing slides from speaker notebooks can be quite challenging. E.g. Apple Computer tend to believe the presentation belongs to Apple so they encrypt the output, also you will run capturing slides from speaker notebooks can be quite challenging. E.g. Apple Computer tend to believe the presentation belongs to Apple so they encrypt the output, also you will run
 into hackers with there hand tailored graphic stack which output 1337x42 and you need to somehow scale that. Here are devices that can do scalling, or grabber cards that are agnostic regarding the input  into hackers with there hand tailored graphic stack which output 1337x42 and you need to somehow scale that. Here are devices that can do scalling, or grabber cards that are agnostic regarding the input 
  • erfavoc.1603965173.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/10/29 10:52
  • by derpeter