Table of Contents



Voctomix ist ein Softwaremischer der es uns erlaubt auf Konferenzen HD-Recording und -Streaming anbieten zu können. Voctomix wird aktuell von mazdermind fürs VOC entwickelt und ist gst-switch's kleine Schwester. Sie lebt im Git unter und read-only auf Github.


Installation on VOC hardware

The installation on VOC machines (encoder cubes and mixer notebooks) is managed through Ansible. The Ansible deployment creates the following things on the encoder-cubes:

Ansible always resets the setup to a default configuration, where all SDI-ports are used as camera INs, no playout is active and all supporting scripts are enabled. Ansible generated the following Systemd units for Voctomix:

Systemd-Unit Description
music-source.service Source Music from /opt/voc/share/pause-music/ into the pause loop
pause-source.service Source pause loop from /opt/voc/share/pause.ts
program-to-[NAME]-playout.service Such a unit is generated for each Decklink output device present at the time of the ansible-run. Playout video- and audio from the program output (=what is being recorded; before the stream-blanker) to the Decklink output
program-to-framebuffer-playout.service Playout video from the program output (=what is being recorded; before the stream-blanker) to the HDMI/DVI/VGA output on the mainboard
recording-sink.service Record the program output to segmented .ts-files in /video
streaming-hd-sink.service Encode and stream the stream-blanker output to
rtmp://{{ room_number }}_native_hd
streaming-sd-sink.service Encode and stream the stream-blanker output to
rtmp://{{ room_number }}_native_sd
stream-to-[NAME]-playout.service Such a unit is generated for each Decklink-Output-Device present at the time of the ansible-run. Playout video and audio from the stream output (=what is being streamed; after the stream-blanker) to the Decklink output
stream-to-framebuffer-playout.service Playout video from the stream output (=what is being streamed; after the stream-blanker) to the HDMI/DVI/VGA output on the mainboard
voctocore.service The Voctocore

All supporting units are WantedBy=voctocore.service as well as the request Requires=voctocore.service and After=voctocore.service. This means:

Practical tips

In practice this means, that to restart the whole chain, you can do:

sudo systemctl restart voctocore.service

Stop recording at night and schedule re-start in the morning:

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 41 42; do echo "10.73.${i}.3"; ssh 10.73.${i}.3 'sudo systemctl stop recording-sink.service'; done
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 41 42; do echo "10.73.${i}.3"; ssh 10.73.${i}.3 'echo "sudo systemctl restart voctocore.service" | at 09:00'; done

Similar to stop or start everything you can use

sudo systemctl stop voctocore.service


sudo systemctl start voctocore.service

To see which units are actually started, you can call


To Reconfigure a Decklink-Duo Port as Playout, in order for it to survive a restart/reboot, you can do:

sudo systemctl disable decklink-source-decklink-sdi-2.service                                                                                                     sudo systemctl stop decklink-source-decklink-sdi-2.service                                                                                                        

sudo systemctl enable stream-to-decklink-sdi-2-playout.service                                                                                                   
sudo systemctl start stream-to-decklink-sdi-2-playout.service  

If you leave out the enable/disable the change will be temporary and restarting the voctocore unit or the encoder cube will reset the change.

Similar to enable playout to the Framebuffer, you can do:

sudo systemctl start stream-to-framebuffer-playout.service                                                                                                        sudo systemctl enable stream-to-framebuffer-playout.service

Leaving out the enable/disable the change will also here be temporary.

Playout to the framebuffer can always be interrupted by funny tty0 printouts at any time :) Also think about whether you want to playout the program output (before the stream-blanker) or the streaming output (after the stream-blanker).


To see the output of the various units, you can use a command like this:

journalctl -au decklink-source-decklink-sdi-2.service  

Alternative version:

journalctl -a -f -u  grabber-source.service

Control Commands

Some useful control commands when you only have a shell (see also example-scripts/control-server: For more details see

echo set_audio cam1 | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_audio cam2 | nc -q0 localhost 9999

echo set_composite_mode fullscreen | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_composite_mode picture_in_picture | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_composite_mode side_by_side_equal | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_composite_mode side_by_side_preview | nc -q0 localhost 9999

echo set_stream_blank pause | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_stream_live | nc -q0 localhost 9999

echo set_video_a cam1 | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_video_a cam2 | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_video_a grabber | nc -q0 localhost 9999

echo set_video_b cam1 | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_video_b cam2 | nc -q0 localhost 9999
echo set_video_b grabber | nc -q0 localhost 9999

here you can see the commands together with replays from the core

=> set_video_a cam1
<= video_status cam1 cam2

=> set_composite_mode fullscreen 
<= composite_mode fullscreen
<= video_status cam1 cam2

=> set_composite_mode side_by_side_equal
<= composite_mode side_by_side_equal
<= video_status cam1 cam2

=> get_config
<= server_config {"stream-blanker": {"sources": "pause,nostream", "enabled": "true"}, "DEFAULT": {}, "side-by-side-equal": {}, "fullscreen": {}, "side-by-side-preview": {}, "mix": {"sources": "cam1,cam2,grabber", "videocaps": "video/x-raw,format=I420,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=25/1,pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1", "audiocaps": "audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,channels=2,layout=interleaved,rate=48000"}, "previews": {"deinterlace": "false", "enabled": "false"}, "output-buffers": {"mix_out": "10000"}, "picture-in-picture": {}}

=> get_video
<= video_status cam1 cam2

=> get_composite_mode
<= composite_mode side_by_side_equal