Table of Contents

Framegrabber / Scaler

For the conferences we are covering, most presenters use their own PC.
The resolution and frame rates of these PCs widely differ.
To get a consistent signal into the video mixer, we have to scale or convert the output signal to a uniform type.
Another similar list from the timevideo project can be found on

Currently in use in our setup

Other options currently not in our main setup

IP based

MIPI Camera Serial Interface (CSI) HDMI adpater (e.g. for Raspberry Pi)

USB2 / USB3 based

Those devices are usually accessed via Video4Linux2. USB3 / 3.1 capable devices are mostly UVC devices.
A recent (> 5.0) Kernel is recommended.
The Linux tool uvcdynctrl - libwebcam command line tool can be used to tweak settings.

Scaller to be used in combination with a capture device


A list of potential interesting frame grabber hardware which we have not tested yet (from 2014, probably outdated)