= Auphonic [[http://auphonic.com/|Auphonic]] is a commercial audio post-proccessing and mastering service we optionally use as part of recordings processing pipeline. You can send credits to our c3voc account ''voc'' via: [[https://auphonic.com/donate_credits?user=voc]]. == Usage To enable the tracker integration on a specific ticket, you have to set `Processing.Auphonic.Enable=yes` – where Profile and Token should be already set on in the project settings. See https://c3voc.de/wiki/c3tracker:properties?s[]=auphonic for the available properties. If you want to experiment yourself, you can also create a personal account which includes 2h/month for free. See https://c3voc.de/wiki/howto:ffmpeg?redirect=1#audiospur_via_backup_audioaufnahme_reparieren_und_in_mp4_packen if you want to manually integrate an audio track into a video again. == Tools Get total Auphonic processing time from schedule: xml_grep --text_only 'schedule/day/room/event/duration' schedule.xml | awk -F : '{acch+=$1;accm+=$2;} ENDFILE { print acch+int(accm/60) ":" accm%60; }' or use the [[:C3Tracker]] statistics Get actual Auphonic processing time from Auphonic after production finished: https://github.com/voc/scripts/blob/master/auphonic/auphonic_credits_stats.py