= List of published conferences for TIB The [Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology](https://www.tib.eu/en/tib/profile) (TIB) in Hannover provides science, research, industry and business with literature and information - in both printed and electronic form. The library is committed to openness, open access to information, publications and scientific data: it aims to make information and knowledge more easily accessible, more transparent and better reusable. As the German National Library of Science and Technology as well as Architecture, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, it holds a unique collection of science and technology worldwide, including audiovisual media and research data. In its capacity as a University Library, TIB ensures that all faculties of Leibniz Universität Hannover are supplied with information. The TIB imports some conferences into their AV Portal using the conferences' schedule.xml and https://github.com/TIBHannover/c3voc_avp_import ---- datatable ---- cols : begin, %pageid%, ort, publizierung, synonym, schedule_url, tib-av_url, media_url, youtube_url headers : Datum, Name, Ort, Primäres Ziel, Acronym, filter : %class%=event and : begin<=%now% and : %pageid%!=events:template and : %pageid%!~cr:* and : %pageid%!~events:afu* and : %title%!~Chaosradio* and : %title%!~Datengarten* and : %title%!~OpenChaos* and : %title%!~*Pressekonferenz* and : status_!=canceled and : status_!=declined and : status_!=extern and : status_!=subevent and : status_!=request sort : ^Begin ----