= State of the Map 2020 ---- dataentry event ---- name : State of the Map 2020 synonym : sotm2020 voc-verantwortlicher : andi ort : Cape Town (online) internetseite_url : https://2020.stateofthemap.org/ begin : 2020-07-04 ende : 2020-07-05 kontakt : Christine email_mail : raeume : 2 cases : streaming : ja planungstool : pretalx schedule_urls : https://sotm.osmz.ru/2020.xml publizierung : media.ccc.de + TIB media_url : https://media.ccc.de/c/sotm2020 youtube_url : https://www.youtube.com/stateofthemap tib-av_url : #https://av.tib.eu/series/685 aufzeichnungliz : CC BY 3.0 (oder neuer) streamliz : status_st : postprocessing wekan_url : ---- State of the Map 2020 * https://2020.stateofthemap.org/programme/ * zwei Tracks * https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2020/Tutorial_Pre-Recorded_Talk == Setup * Zwei OBS “Cloud” Instanzen (Speedy + Daffy) auf die man per Remote-Desktop-Client (NoMachine) zugreift. Quellen: * Abspielen der aufgezeichneten Vorträge * Im Anschluss jeweils Q&A per Jitsi Meet über https://talk.stateofthemap.org/ * Pausenanimation / Infobeamer * Livestream wie sonst auch über streaming.media.ccc.de * Schnitt noch unklar: Download des MP4 aus OBS oder Schnipseln mit “Cloud” Shotcut o.ä.? == Ablauf * Donnerstag 21:00 UTC+2 (aka CEST): Testlauf * Freitag * Samstag * Sonntag Nach der Konferenz: * Finale Versionen schneiden und publizieren == TODOs Vor der Veranstaltung * Genaue Lizenz geklärt? * Schedule XML URL da? * Order auf media angelegt? z.B. https://media.ccc.de/browse/conferences// * **Achtung: Akronym muss in der exakt gleichen Schreibweise wie im schedule.xml sein** * Konferenz im Media Backend angelegt? * Konferenz im Tracker angelegt? siehe [[:c3tracker#tracker-project_and_worker]] * Schedule importiert? * Relive + Worker config angepasst und aktiviert? * * Auf releasing VM genügend Speicherplatz? * Artwork ist da? * Intros, Outro mit Audio-Spur generiert? * Erste Version von Fred liegt in /video/intros/sotm2020 – ggf. $url unten links noch fixen... --Andi * Pausenquelle * auf beide Encoder aktuellen Stand deployed? * streaming.media.ccc.de entsprechend angepasst und deployed? * Relive config angepasst und deployed? * Youtube? * paralleler Livestream zu YouTube einrichten? * Token per http://c3voc.de/youtube angefordert * Playliste anlegen und über Tags automatisch zuweisen lassen siehe auch https://c3voc.de/wiki/requirements Nach der Veranstaltung * Tracker Projekt archivieren * Status oben auf 'done' setzen == Wer? * Andi * Kyle * mstockm * tyr_asd * (MichaelK) == Notizen == Mixer Manual === Video-Mixing Workflow *  Before talk: * Select correct source [1] in "Lecture Player" scene * Connect to correct Jitsi-room [2], locally and on mixer machine * Share OBS window on mixer machine * Test with session host and speaker * Activate "Everyone follows me" in Jitsi settings on local machine (More Actions -> Settgins -> More -> Everyone follows me) * Make sure the speaking person is displayed or switch manually between speaker and session host, avoid tile view * Start Jitsi live stream (sotm1-talk, sotm2-talk) * Talk start: * Notify session host and speaker you're about to cut to the Jitsi room * Ensure Recording is enabled * Activate "Jitsi via RTMP" scene for intro * Activate "Lecture Player" scene after intro * Watch audio level, adjust if necessary – target is -12dB (sometimes yellow, but never red) * Talk end: * Notify session host and speaker you're about to cut to the Jitsi room * Activate "Jitsi via RTMP" scene for Q&A * Activate "Loop Player" scene after Q&A * Stop Jitsi live stream in current room For lightning talks, you have to select the next talk while the current one is running and cut to the "Lecture Player" scene again once the previous talk has finished. * We could also add all lightingtalks to the player, if there is no moderation inbetween... [1] https://2020.stateofthemap.org/programme/ [2] https://speaker.sotm.bitcast.co.za/ === Routing Video and Audio of the lecture player into Jitsi * Precondition: There has to be an open NX session * right click the lecture player scene to and select "Open windowed projector (Scene)" * in Chromium: in the Jitsi: share this projector window and enable the microphone * in the system "Volume Control" window switch to the recording tab * Switch the "Chromium input" to the "Monitor of Null Output" * Inside OBS Sessings (Audio -> Advanced) the Monitoring Device is also set to "Monitor of Null Output", thereby all audio sources with enabled monitoring should go to jitsi. * check with your lokal Jitsi window, if audio works e.g. by enabling monitoring for the loop  * (gear icon below the audio level shifter -> Advanced Audio Properties -> Audio Monitoring to "Monitor and Output")