Table of Contents

Encoder PCs

The Encoder Cubes are handling the video capturing, switching and recording and are the source for the live streams.
We run debian together with Voctomix on them. The name encoderX might be misleading and was more fitting in the past – we are currently migrating their naming scheme to cubeX. Today the cubes only run voctomix core and encode live streams as the release encoding was delegated the minions. However, the cubes might be used to encode release files during longer breaks e.g. in the night time.

Encoder 4HE Ryzen 2024

Prototype for the forth generation encoder/capture hardware, part of Case 2.0

Encoder cube 1-4

Initially our first generation cubes, now after a refresh in 2017 somehow the fourth generation.

Encoder cube 5

Formerly our second generation cube, was included in the refresh in 2017 and therefore is now also part of our fourth generation cube hardware (see above).

Encoder cube 6

Our third generation cube: It was time to say good by to the Ivy Bridge and hello to Sky Lake. This also required a new mainboard.


see Minions

Dezentralized encoders

RZ Berlin

Speedy & Tweedy, see Reencoder, 1HE chassis

Munich (Encoder M)

Initially based on first generation encoder cube, but in 3HE chassis with 4HE rackbagtrolley to be more portable. The CPU generation is between Encoder 5 and 6 → 2.5 generation cube.

Cologne (C4)

Nuermberg (osc1 + osc2)